
सितंबर, 2021 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Neonatal Resuscitation

Resuscitation=Revival of an apparently dead The methodology of resuscitation- Or management of birth Asphyxia- Perinatal hypoxia of whatever cause,if sufficiently severe produce brainstem depression and secondary Apnea that is unresponsive to sensory stimulation Death from apnea may be prevents by resuscitation, provide that the basic cause of hypoxia can be eliminated whithin a reasonable time , during which artificial resuscitation,if necessary should be carried out, external cardiac massage, correction of acidosis and circulatory support with durg may be important, Hence,the way in which an asphyxiated newborn is managed at birth determine the immediate morbidity and quality of life among survival Complications (Important one's) and there management- 1)Intractable birth asphyxia- If the ventilation remains unsatisfactory even after 10 minutes of birth, following condition must be suspected A) Meconium aspirations or tracheal plug B) Congenital...

Postpartum Hemorrhage PPH

Postpartum Hemorrhage PPH Any amount of bleeding following after birth hoti ek of puerperium Systolic blood pressure decrease=70mmHg Plus rate=122B/min After delivery  1) Mild PPH   500 to 1000ml blood loss 2) Moderate PPH 1000 to 2000ml blood loss 3) Severe PPH Greater than 2000ml blood loss According to duration of bleeding= 1) primary PPH Bleeding within 24 hour's of delivery a) 3rd stage PPH Bleeding after delivery and before expulsion of placenta b) True PPH Bleeding after expulsion of placenta and hoti 24 hour's 2) Secondary PPH 24 hour's to end of puerperium Bleeding arround to 8days PPH is a bleeding cause of materanl mortality rate MMR 28week to 7dya after birth Cause of PPH 1) Atonic uterus /Boggy uterus  Uterine tone absent Multiple pregnancy Grand multi para Malnutrition female Over distension of uterus Anesthesia effects Prolonged labour 2) Traumatic uterus Firm urterus,hard , tenderness Bleeding due...

Antepartum Heamorrhage APH

Antepartum haemorrhage APH APH is usually define as bleeding form the birth canal after the 24 to 28 weeks of  pregnancy.It can occur at any time until the second stage of lobour is complete; bleeding following the birth of the baby is postpartum haemorrhage=Miscarriage Or  Any ammount of bleeding from genital tract after 28 weeks to before of bleeding 28wk ..... Delivery time....6wk APH_________IPH_________PPH ETIOLOGY  --- Idiopathic/unknown 2types    1) Placenta previa (pp) 2) Abrupto previa (AP) Placenta previa=in lower uterin segement Implantation posterior wall of bady of uterus near the fundus Abrupto precisa=premature separation of placenta Most common risk of APH Dropping down theory= Drop down in lower uterine segments Implantation Due to less endometrial reactions Increase that cilliary active of fallopian tube A)Types of placenta previa 1)Types...