
नवंबर, 2021 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Fibrocystic disease

It is the most common benign lesion. It is observed between 20-50 years of age usually premenopausal. Cause Altered oestrogen and progesterone ratio or relative decrease progesterone. Strees factor. Types Localised Diffuse Risk factor Nulliparity Delayed menopausa Symptoms Breast pain-present throughout the cycle but aggravated premenstrually (cycle) Pain is either dull continuous or intermittent severe. Examination Coarsely nodular areas resembling ill-difined lumps either localised or duffused. These are prominent in premenstrual phase.   Diagnosis Careful palpation, mammography, ultrasound and aspirations biopsy         Treatment                                Assurance. Diuretics and tranquilizers in the second half of the cycle. Reduce intake of coffee,tea , chocolates, caffeinated soda,tobacco. Vitamin E400 mg daily. In fefractory cases any o...

Breast lump

Breast lump is a thickening or mass that present is breast tissue.It may be found incidentally during a breast self examination or during a routine physical examination. Lump may be painless or painful,may associated with nipple discharge or changes in the skin,such as irregularities, redness,a dimpled texture or tightened skin. Breast lump may be fluid filled or solid masses,which are usually fibroadenomas (not cancerous). Cause= The most common cause include Fibroadenoma Fibrocystic changes Mastitis Breast abscesses Galactocele Injuries Breast cancer Features of breast lump Stuck to the skin or chest wall Hard and irregular in texture Dimpling of skin near the lump Lymph nodes in the armpit that are matted together or stuck to the skin or chest wall A bloody discharge from the nipple Thickened,red skin over the breast Diagnosis Ultrasonography-solid/cysts Mammography USG guided aspirations for diagnosis or therapeutic in cystic lump. Fine -needle a...

Diseases of Breast

The breasts or mammary ganda are locaties in the front of chest and made up of lobules, milk producing structure,and a system of dust for transport milk to the nipple. Between the glandular tissue and dictionary,the breast contain fat tissue and connective tissue. The breast does not contain muscles. Blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are located throughout the breast. The lymphatic vessels in the breast bone (sternum). Breast growth begins at puberty. Development of breast and formation of milk in the glands are related to endocrinal function......... Any alteration in normal anatomy and physiology of breast leads to pathological various state and women complain that manifestation. Breast problem are common in women of all ages,from adolescents to older women. Breast disorders are mostly benign (non-cancerous) but may be malignant (cancerous). Early detection by examination and screening might be helpful to prevent life thre...