Diseases of Breast

The breasts or mammary ganda are locaties in the front of chest and made up of lobules, milk producing structure,and a system of dust for transport milk to the nipple.
Between the glandular tissue and dictionary,the breast contain fat tissue and connective tissue.
The breast does not contain muscles.
Blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are located throughout the breast.
The lymphatic vessels in the breast bone (sternum).
Breast growth begins at puberty.
Development of breast and formation of milk in the glands are related to endocrinal function.........
Any alteration in normal anatomy and physiology of breast leads to pathological various state and women complain that manifestation.
Breast problem are common in women of all ages,from adolescents to older women.
Breast disorders are mostly benign (non-cancerous) but may be malignant (cancerous).
Early detection by examination and screening might be helpful to prevent life threatening condition.
Common breast complain=
Breast lump
Painful breast lump
Breast pain
Breast abscess and infection
Nipple discharge
Breast distortion
Scaling of nipple
Common disorder of breast=
Aplasia-Turners, Juvenile hypertrophy
Accessory breast- along milk line
Acute/Chronic Mastitis
Trauma- fat necrosis
Duct ectasia -dicharge , sinus, galactocele
Proliferative condition
Fibrocystic disease-common cause of lumps
Cysts , Adenosis, metaplasia and mixed 


  1. बहुत ही अच्छी जानकारी दी है आप ये महिलाओ को काफी हद तक जागरूक करेगा खासकर वो महिलाएं जो जानकारी के अभाव में जान गवा देती है या बीमारी को बढ़ा लेती हैं ll

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. आप इसके बारे में ज्यादा जानकारी दीजिएऔर बताइए,
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    इलाज किस तरह से हो सकता है इसका मुख्य लक्षण क्या है और इसको हम कैसे day to day life में पहचान सकते हैं ?

    जवाब देंहटाएं

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