
दिसंबर, 2021 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं


Contraception is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy due to coital act. Ideal contraception method should fulfil the following criteria widely acceptable, inexpensive and simple to use,safe, highly effective and requiring minimal motivation, maintenance and supervision.No one single Universally acceptable method has test been discovered. The most effective of birth control or sterilization by means of vasectomy in male and tubal location in females, IUDs,and implantable birth control. Fertility awareness is a method to plan or avoid a pregnancy by recognising the signs of fertility in menstrual cycle. It can be used to: 1) Understand the menstrual cycle 2)Plan a pregnancy 3)Avoid a pregnancy Every woman during child bearings age should;  Understand menstrual cycle  Check cervical mucus Take basal body temperature Recognising other signs of fertile phase. Tyeps of contraceptives method- 1)  Temporary 1)Natural methods- abstinenc...


Acute bacteria infection caused by gram-positive bacillus corynebacterium diphtheriae. Through the incidence of diphtheria has decreased remarkable following increase immunization, cause do occurs in unvaccinated children and adults who have lost their immunity. Etiopathogenesis-  The secretions and discharge from infected person or carrier are the main source of infection. The infection is transmitted by contact or via droplets of secretion. The portal of entry is commonly the respiratory tract. Incubation period- 2 to 5 days Clinical features- Acute with fever Malaise and headache The commonest from is faucil or tonsillopharyngeal diphtheria in which there is redness and swelling over the fauces. Cervical lymph nodes are enlarge leading to a bull neck appearance. Sore throat,dyshagia and muffled voice frequently present. In nasal diphtheria there is unilateral or bilateral serosangunineous discharge from the nose and exc...


It is second most common sexually transmitted infection. Causative organisms- Neisseria gonorrhoea (gram negative diplococcus bacteria). Incubation period- 3 to 7 day Incidence- Found mostly in young, between the ages of 15 to 24 years. Also be passed to the by a hand or other body part carrying infected fluids. Transmission- Through sex -oral,anal and vagina. Also be passed to passed to the eye by a hand or other body part carrying infected fluids. Symptoms- Initially asymptomatic,but latter symptoms like;; 1)Purulent vagina discharge. 2)A burning feeling when urinating. 3)Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis. 4)Irregular periods. 5) Pain during intercourse. ok Specific symptoms- Sore throat. Pain, discharge,and bleeding from the anus. Redness, itching or discharge of the eyes. Pain,fever,chills, joint swelling and skin rash. Diagnosis- Culture by testing a urine sample... Gold standard. Gram staining. Nucleic acid amplification test (NAATs)....

Genital Tuberculosis

Causative organisms -. Mycobacterium tuberculosis or    Mycobacterium bovis. Gentile tuberculosis is almost always a secondary infection, spread hemaatogenously,and the infection become located in the ovarduct.subsequentaly the bacilli usually spread to the endometriom and less commonly to the ovaries.However, the oviduct are the primary and predominant site of pelvic tuberculosis.In fallopian tube most common affected part is ampulla and encountered pathology is endosalpingitis. Incidence-  Most common age groups is 20 to 30 years Most common symptoms is infertility. If patients conceive spontaneously, Ectopic pregnancy is the most likely outcome. Second most common site of involvement; uterus Tube -90-100% Uterus-50-60% Ovaries -20-30% Vagina and Vulva-1-2% Symptoms- Pyometra-pus-filled Uterine cavity. Menstrual irregularities    Oligomeorrhea,Amerorrhea    Menorrhagia Infertility Constitution symptoms Pelvic exami...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease refer to inflammation caused by an infection in the upper genital tract.This happen when infection when infection spread From the lower reproductive tract I.e.vaginaand cervix to the upper reproductive tract I.e.uterus, ovaries and fallopian tube. It includes infection of: 1)Endometrium-Endometritis . 2)Oviducts-Salpingitis,most common PID. 3)Uterine wall -Myometritis. 4)Uterine serosa and broad ligament-parametritis. 5Pelvic peritoneum. Causative organisms: Usually a polymicrobial infection N.gonorrhea,C.Trachomaatics- more commen Other-E.coli, Streptococcus, klebsiella, Anaerobic bacteria.... Pathology- Pelvic infection are acute not Chronic; results from ascending infection from the bacteria flora of the vagina and cervix in more than 99%of cases.This ascending infection occurs along the mucosal surface,where the bacteria colonize and infect the endometrium and fallopian tube.The process sometimes extended to the surface of the ova...

Cervical Erosion/Cervical Ectopy

Cervical Erosion is a condition where squamous epithelium of the ectocervix is replaced by columnar epithelium which is continuous with the endocervix. Cause- 1)Oral contraceptives pill  2)Congenital 3)Hormonal changes: fluctuations in hormones levels during reproductive age. 4)Pregnancy: Being pregnant may also cause cervical ectropion due to the change in hormones levels. 5)Chronic cervicitis. Pathology- Cervix has different type of cell on the outside (vagina portion) than it done on the inside (the cervical canal). Normally, columnar epithelium cell (soft cell) are present inside of cervix whereas squamous epithelium cell (hard cell ) outside the cervix.When these columnar epithelium cell appear on the outside the cervix,they get contact with squamous epithelium cell and from a transformation zone or the stratified squamous epithelium. Cervical Erosion is not a harmful conditions and don't usually have any medical complications.It is not related to cance...

Uterine prolapse

Normally uterus reamins in anteverted and anteflexed position,held inside pelvics with various muscle, tissue, and ligament. Because of pregnancy, childbirth or difficult labour and delivery,in some women these muscle weaken. Also ,as a woman ages and with a natural loss of the hormones oestrogen, uterus can into the vaginal canal, causing the condition known as a prolapsed uterus or uterine prolapse. Support of uterus- A) Primary support of uterus 1) Mechanical support-             Uterine Axis             Angel of anteversion              Angel of anteflexion  2) Mechanical support             Pelvic diaphragm              Perineal body              Urogenital diaphragm 3) Fibromuscular support               Pubrocervi...

Fibroid uterus

Fibroid uterus are benign tumors that originate in the uterus with the some smooth muscle fibres of the uterus Wall,but they are much denser than normal myometrium.Uterus fibroid are usually round. Fibroid are the most benign solid tumors in females. It is the most common pelvic tumors. Most common age groups affected is 35 to 45 years. Fibroid are most commonly seen in nulliparity female. Structural of fibroid- 1)Fibroid is well circumscribed tumors with a pseudocapsule which is formed by compressed adjacent myometrium. 2)The blood vessels supplying the fibroid lie in the capsule and run radially so that the centre is the least vascular and peripheral is the most vascular part of the fibroid. 3)Calcification begin from the peripheral of fibroid and degeneration begin from the centre. 4)Most fibroid are slow growing. Cause and incidence of uterine fibroid-- 1)Fibroid are monoclonal tumors. 2)Genetics abnormalities 3)Alternation in growth ...