
Contraception is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy due to coital act. Ideal contraception method should fulfil the following criteria widely acceptable, inexpensive and simple to use,safe, highly effective and requiring minimal motivation, maintenance and supervision.No one single Universally acceptable method has test been discovered. The most effective of birth control or sterilization by means of vasectomy in male and tubal location in females, IUDs,and implantable birth control. Fertility awareness is a method to plan or avoid a pregnancy by recognising the signs of fertility in menstrual cycle. It can be used to: 1) Understand the menstrual cycle 2)Plan a pregnancy 3)Avoid a pregnancy Every woman during child bearings age should; Understand menstrual cycle Check cervical mucus Take basal body temperature Recognising other signs of fertile phase. Tyeps of contraceptives method- 1) Temporary 1)Natural methods- abstinenc...