
Acute bacteria infection caused by gram-positive bacillus corynebacterium diphtheriae.
Through the incidence of diphtheria has decreased remarkable following increase immunization, cause do occurs in unvaccinated children and adults who have lost their immunity.
 The secretions and discharge from infected person or carrier are the main source of infection.
The infection is transmitted by contact or via droplets of secretion.
The portal of entry is commonly the respiratory tract.
Incubation period-
2 to 5 days
Clinical features-
Acute with fever
Malaise and headache
The commonest from is faucil or tonsillopharyngeal diphtheria in which there is redness and swelling over the fauces.
Cervical lymph nodes are enlarge leading to a bull neck appearance.
Sore throat,dyshagia and muffled voice frequently present.
In nasal diphtheria there is unilateral or bilateral serosangunineous discharge from the nose and excoriations of upper lips.
In laryngotracheal diphtheria,the members over the larynx leads to brassy cough,stridor and respiratory distress.
Diphtheritic lesion may occasionally also be found in skin and conjunctivita.
The commonest compilation is respiratory failure due to occlusion of the airways by the members.
     Myocarditis,cardic failure, arrhythmias and sudden death.
Neurological compilation-
   Palatal palsy.  -  which occurs in second weeks and clinically manifested by nasal twang and nasal regurgitation.
  Occurs palsy in 3rd weeks.
  Loss of accommodation, manifested by visual blurring and inability read.
Generalized polyneuritis occurs by oliguria and proteinuria.
There should be a high index of suspicious.
Rapid diagnosis is enabled by Albert stain of a swab From the oropharynx or larynx.

The most important component of therapy is Neutralization of bacterial toxin by administration of antitoxin.
Diphtheria antitoxin IM/IV.
Anitbiotics such as penicillin or erythromycin .
Immunization as clinical disease does not confer active immunity.


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