It is second most common sexually transmitted infection.
Causative organisms-
Neisseria gonorrhoea (gram negative diplococcus bacteria).
Found mostly in young, between the ages of 15 to 24 years.
Also be passed to the by a hand or other body part carrying infected fluids.
Through sex -oral,anal and vagina.
Also be passed to passed to the eye by a hand or other body part carrying infected fluids.
Initially asymptomatic,but latter symptoms like;;
1)Purulent vagina discharge.
2)A burning feeling when urinating.
3)Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis.
4)Irregular periods.
5) Pain during intercourse.
Sore throat.
Pain, discharge,and bleeding from the anus.
Redness, itching or discharge of the eyes.
Pain,fever,chills, joint swelling and skin rash.
Culture by testing a urine sample...
Gold standard.
Gram staining.
Nucleic acid amplification test (NAATs).
Inj.penicillin4.8million unit
In resistance area-Inj.Ciprofliaxone 500mg and Ofloxacin 400mg.
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