Sexually Transmitted Disease

Sexually Transmitted Disease are the infections that are transmitted during any type of sexual contact. It is also called Venereal disease or STD due to transmission of an infectious oragnaism between sex partner.It is most common infectious disease. Incidence According to WHO >1 Million people acquire a sexually Transmitted infection STI every day globally. Approximately 500 million new cases of one of four curable STIs ( Chlamydia,gonorrhoea, syphilis and trichomoniasis) occur each year worldwide. Indian council of medical research (ICMR) Has shown that 6%of adult population in India has one or more STI/RTI. This account to occurrence of about 30 to 35 million episodes every year in the country. It is an important public health problem in India. India provides a vast playground for the rapid spread of STDs . The main cause for this spread is ignorance. Many STDs show early symptoms, which then disappear without trea...