Management of labor

Management of labor...
 Childbirth also known as labour or delivery,is the ending of prgenency where are or more babies leaves the uterus by passing through the vagina or by caesarean section
First stage of labour-
Phycological and emotional support
Fear of danger
Fear of pain
Maximum supervision and minimum action
Bladder and Bowes care
Fatal heart rate check in every 30 minute (second stage within 15minute)
Position-membrane infact than Ambulate
  Membrane ruptured than Left to latter position, and alow to sleep
Pain .... Injection Morphine 10mg IM
  Second stage of labour
 First of all 
Position -Lithotomy
FHR-In every 15minute
Encarage the mother to bearing down effort with each contraction
Third stage of labour
Examine the placenta
One placenta= 15 -29 Cotyledons
Count the cotyledons 
Retaine placenta =secondary PPH 
PPH=Post partum haemorrhage
Assement of placenta
   Suddenly increase the length of out side umblical cord
Suddenly expall in large amount of blood
Third stage management are two types
First  -Expected management
Second- Active management
Expected management - after sapration of placenta 
5 /10IU oxytocin IM
Wait 5 to 10 minutes
Control cord traction expall out
Active management-if placenta not separate
10 IU Oxytocin IM
Manul remove under the general Anesthesia 
Thiopental sodium 4 to 5mg/kg


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

Third Complications of labor

Sexually Transmitted Disease