Menstrual Disorders

Menstruations is the cyclic discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina.Age of onset  of menstruations is known as Menarche.(between 12-15years of age).
This is a cyclical process occurs due to the rise and fall of hormones. The event occurs in menstrual cycle is the thickening of the endometrium of the uterus,and the growth of an ovum.The ovum is released around day fourteen in the cycle from an ovary.
The thickened endometrium of the uterus provide nutrient to an embryo after if pregnancy does not occur,it is released and known as menstruations.
Menstrual cycle is a co-ordinated effect of hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary and uterus.Alterations in anyone of these factor will cause failure of sexual maturation, absence of menarche and menstrual irregularities.For better understanding of menstrual irregularities, student should revise the mechanism and control of normal menstruations.
Disturbance in the normal ovulatory cycle may lead to menstrual disturbance and also may cause infertility and abortion.Besides hormonal disturbance menstrual irregularity may also result from pathological conditions like fibromyoma uterus, adenomyosis and cervical lension.
Early treatment of these disorder would be helpful in prevention of anaemia and maintenance of good health by preventing heavy blood loss .The commonest type of menstrual irregularity is menorrhagia.
1)Amenorrhoea- absence of mensuration.
A) Primary amenorrhoea-complete absence of menstruations or menarche not occurred.
B) Secondary amenorrhea-Absence of menstruations for 3 to 6 months in a woman who previously menstruated.
2) Menorrhagia-Excessive blood loss 
3) Polymenorrhoea- when menstruations occur more frequently.
4) Polymenorrhagia-polymenorrhoea+Menorrhagia
5) Metrorrhagia-inter menstrual bleeding in between the regular menstrual cycle.
6) Hypomenorrhea- less blood loss during menstruations.
7) Oligomenorrhea-Increase in the length of the menstrual cycle up to 35 days or more.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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Third Complications of labor

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